Thursday, November 13, 2014


I spent yesterday trying to decide if I had anything original to say about that picture of Kim Kardashian's naked backside. As the day went on I decided that I didn't. The picture had generated the full spectrum of wailing, complaining, mocking, twitter shaming, and of course, copying (yes, it's everywhere, but not here. Just go to Google.)  Then this morning had a headline announcing that Mrs West had gone gone full frontal naked. Yowza.


I know I'm not the prime audience for this stuff but still, I have to say that the "Kim's butt" picture just isn't that attractive. It's not sexy or even erotic and to my eyes it doesn't look natural. Brian Moyland, writing at yesterday said her butt looks like a "glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut," and I agree. I also think the waist has been seriously photoshopped. The whole thing just doesn't look real to me.

Then there's the full frontal naked shot. Is this really what Kim wanted? Did she really want that picture to go public? Did Kanye? The magazine is saying that Kim was really into it during the photo shoot and that she suggested the naked shot, but the whole thing just feels off to me. The goofy expression on her face, for one thing. It doesn't even look like her. I'm also surprised that as far as I can tell, as I'm writing this at 2.00 p.m. central time, neither Kim, nor her mother nor Kanye have commented since the naked picture was released. Usually they can't take to Twitter fast enough when a new picture of Kim comes out.

Finally, at least for now, what does this do to the Kardashian brand? How does their employer, the E! network, feel about it? Is there some kind of morals clause in their contract? Kim's body has always been a big part of her public persona, and lately she's been wearing outfits that don't leave much to the imagination, especially above the waist. Do I sound like an out-of-touch old biddy if I say that even in this day and age, full frontal nakedness crosses a line and I'm wondering why, exactly, Kim did it and what she thought the benefit (to her) would be. Once the picture's out there she can't get it back and I think it's at least possible that she'll come to regret it. Stay tuned.

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