Wednesday, November 5, 2014

So Who Is Running For President in 2016?

I've been saying that the 2016 presidential election starts today and I saw an interesting article at the Washington Post, written by Republican Ari Fleischer, titled "What the GOP must do to win in 2016." My favorite sentence in the entire article goes like this: People simply won't vote for you if they think you don't like them. (He's referring to latino, gay and younger voters, and what the party must do to appeal to them.) Read the entire article here.

Fleischer also says that by his count, approximately a dozen Republicans are considering running for President, including six governors, a former governor, three senators, a former senator and one physician. When I tried to figure out who he's referring to I came up with Ben Carson (the doctor,) Jeb Bush (the former governor,) Rick Santorum (the former senator,) Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio (the three senators) and Chris Christie, Bobby Jindall, Scott Walker, Rick Perry and John Kasich (five out of six governors.) Number six could be Mike Pence, Rick Snyder or Sam Brownback. I'm not sure. Other names I've seen on various lists or mentioned in the press, prior to yesterday's election, include Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, and of course, Mittens!

In alphabetical order, here's the list of everyone mentioned in this post. I'll update it as people either declare or decline to run, or if another credible candidate floats to the surface. Two years (and the clock is ticking) until Election Day, 2016!

Sam Brownback
Jeb Bush
Dr. Ben Carson
Chris Christie
Ted Cruz
Mike Huckabee
Bobby Jindall
John Kasich
Rand Paul
Mike Pence
Rick Perry
Rob Portman
Mitt Romney
Marco Rubio
Paul Ryan
Rick Santorum
Rick Snyder
Scott Walker

BTW, according to website, there are 733 days until Election Day, 2016.

Wednesday night update: I thought of one more name, which I've added to the list, Senator Rob Portman.

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