Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Thrilla From Wasilla

Pictures and audio from the #palinbrawl have gone public this week and I admit I'm enjoying the spectacle. Does that make me a bad person?

And I'd still love to know what John McCain is thinking. As I said a few posts ago, in 2008 he (and a lot of other Republicans) assured Americans that Palin was qualified to be President of the United States. He was wrong about that and the word most frequently used to describe the decision to put her on the ticket (as well as her performance on it) is "disastrous." For the most part Senator McCain has kept his comments about her since the election to a minimum, mostly just reiterating that he is "proud" of Sarah. That's part gentlemanly discretion and part self-protection. The minute he says anything critical of her, the next thing he's going to hear is, "But Senator, you picked her. You told us she was qualified." That's a conversation I'm sure he wants to avoid, and that's fine. Still, I'm betting that he's not proud now, certainly not of Sarah and possibly not of himself.

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